ЛЕЙБЛЫ / Drum & Bass | Liquid
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Cueplay Unlimited

Cueplay Unlimited

CUEPLAY is a young digital label that was born in Germany/Ukraine in 2010. The digital music scene has expended rapidly and gained many new followers over the recent years. But besides the increasing number of passive music-lovers, there is another group joining the music-scene. Due to the availability of affordable production tools, virtual instruments and the endless possibilities of social media there are more and more talented - though unknown - producers. According to this, our ambition is to find and support talented artists from all over the world, that absolutely need to be heard. The concept of CUEPLAY is to cover a wide spectrum of electronic music. For this, CUEPLAY is subdivided in two sections: Cueplay is for progressive technoid genres like techno, tech-house, electro or minimal-house. Cueplay Unlimited contains softer genres like deep-house, disco, funky house or lounge and ambient music. Our vision is to release an exclusive bouquet of various music styles, that will move the feet and the minds of our audience. As well We are open to experimental arts; not only concerning music, but also experiments connecting other artistic fields like visual arts or graphic design.
Progressive House, Tech House


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